Controls the appearance of the X and Y axes.
Axes Only
A single line for each of the X and Y axes, with tick marks at appropriate intervals.
Grid Lines
Draw a box around the plot, with horizontal and vertical grid lines. Grid line color may be controlled with the Colors command on the Options menu and/or by clicking the Colors button on the toolbar. The width and style of the grid lines may be controlled with the Symbol/Line Styles command.
Box Around Curves
Draw a box around the plot, with tick mark intervals at the appropriate intervals.
Vertical Grid Lines Only
Draw a box around the plot, with grid lines in the vertical direction and tick marks in the horizontal direction. As with Grid Lines, line color may be controlled with the Colors command on the Options menu and/or by clicking the Colors button on the toolbar. The width and style of the grid lines may be controlled with the Symbol/Line Styles command.
Horizontal Grid Lines Only
Draw a box around the plot, with grid lines in the horizontal direction and tick marks in the vertical direction. As with Grid Lines, line color may be controlled with the Colors command on the Options menu and/or by clicking the Colors button on the toolbar. The width and style of the grid lines may be controlled with the Symbol/Line Styles command.
Toggles the drawing of arrowheads on the coordinate axes if Axes Only is checked.
Some scaling options take precedence over the grid type selection. See Linear/Log scaling
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