Windows 8

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Windows 8

Post by PCJimmmy »

Just installed Windows 8 Release Preview. Wanted to see what issues might exist if I purchased and installed the OS when it comes out shortly.

I am currently writing a VS2010 program that models optics in new windshield designs. I am using Dplot with an eventual need for around 30 plots for various characteristics of the design and the resulting optics. I have an 11/1/2012 deadline, the program has some real hurtles, etc.

In Windows 7 I can create the 30 plots on different tab sheets with a generic setup for the plot - only existing option I have put into the program so far is 3D or flat. When I want to look at a plot with other options I quickly re-plot within my program. I can than start up DPlot externaly (its running hidden) and it shows the most recent plot I generated. This has been very handy as I try to work thru the 30 charcterstics for each point on a windshield.

With Windows 8 DPlot still functions fine within the program but I cannot start it outside the Visual Studio IDE to look at the latest plot. In fact, once I run my code for the first time in the IDE I cannot fire up Dplot regardless of my code running in the IDE or not. Only by closing VS2010 do I get back the ability to run DPlot.

Any ideas or experience with Windows 8? Can I change Dplot to not run hidden?

Lastly - where do you stand on 64x. Any hope for that dll soon?

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Post by DPlotAdmin »

No experience on Windows 8 yet, sorry. It should work normally as a desktop app but not at all as a Metro or whatever they're calling it now app. To run DPlot you'll need to switch to (what to most of us is) the desktop. Sorry I can't be more specific. I obviously need to load Windows 8 somewhere and give it a go. Honestly I've been hoping MS would realize the error in trying to merge the desktop and phone experiences, but it doesn't look like that will happen.

I'd say the 64-bit DLL is coming real soon, but I've said that too many times. I'm about ready to hire someone else to do it.
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

I'd say the 64-bit DLL is coming real soon, but I've said that too many times. I'm about ready to hire someone else to do it.
It is done now. See

The ctest3 and 4 demos are working though not included in the download yet. I'll first have a go at the C# demo programs and then include all of this in the next release.
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Can I change Dplot to not run hidden?
Sorry, I missed this entirely on the first and second round. Yes, certainly. Find where you're calling DPlot_Start. From the docs:

HWND DPlot_Start(int Hide, int *was_active);


If non-zero, DPlot will be invisible to the user. This is the same state used by DPlot_PlotBitmap and DPlot_PlotToRect if DPlot is not already running when those functions are called. If 0, DPlot is started normally (if it is not already running).

Address of an integer value that receives 1 if DPlot was already running and 0 if it was not. If this parameter is set to NULL, no value is returned.
If you are not calling DPlot_Start and instead are relying on DPlot_PlotBitmap or DPlot_PlotToRect to fire it up for you, instead add a call to DPlot_Start before either of those functions are called with Hide set to 0.

On Windows 8 in general, I still don't have it but do have it on good authority from another geek that it works as expected. But he's not doing the same sort of things you're doing. I'll speak up when I can carry on an intelligent conversation about this.
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