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DPlot_MinVersion function

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int DPlot_MinVersion(int digit1, int digit2, int digit3, int digit4);



Version number digits. To specify that version or later should be used, for example, use DPlot_MinVersion(2,0,3,0). DPlot_MinVersion will force this check to the maximum of the specified version or the minimum acceptable version for DPLOTLIB.DLL. Currently the minimum acceptable version is You might, however, want to use this function if your program makes use of features in DPlot that are newer than the minimum acceptable version.

Return Values


Neither the full version of DPlot nor DPlot Jr meet the minimum version requirements, and/or neither program was found.


An installed full version of DPlot meets the version requirement, but DPlot Jr does not (or is not installed). All subsequent calls to DPLOTLIB.DLL will use the full version of DPlot.


The full version of DPlot does not meet the minimum version requirement (or it was not found), but the installed DPlot Jr does meet that requirement. All subsequent calls to DPLOTLIB.DLL functions will use DPlot Jr.


Both the full version of DPlot and DPlot Jr are installed, and both meet the minimum version requirement. All subsequent calls to DPLOTLIB.DLL functions will use DPlot Jr only if it was already running. Otherwise the full version will be used.


This function sets a flag within DPLOTLIB.DLL that will force it to use DPlot Jr if DPlot Jr is installed and meets the minimum version requirement and the full version of DPlot is either not installed or does not meet the version requirement.

If this function is not called by your program, then DPlot_Start will call this function itself and force the minimum version (currently) to

NOTE:This flag will be reset if you link dynamically to DPLOTLIB.DLL and call FreeLibrary to unload the DLL. Therefore if you are dynamically linking to DPLOTLIB.DLL using LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress/FreeLibrary calls (which is the default behavior using all versions of VB), calls to this function must be inside the same LoadLibrary/FreeLibrary pair as the function (DPlot_Plot, DPlot_GetBitmap, etc.) that you want to be effected by the result.




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