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To distribute your DPLOTLIB-enabled application to others, you will as a minimum need the following files (in addition, of course, to your own program):

DPLOTLIB.DLL and/or DPLOTLIB64.DLL: Install to your application folder. (The usual suspects, e.g. Windows\System32, will also work, but you cannot guarantee that some other developer will not overwrite a newer version with an older one which won't work with your program. Your application folder is highly recommended as the destination.)

With DPlot Jr




Help file


Context-sensitive Help file for dialog boxes


Utilities library


Equation parser


Image import/export


Toolbar icons


ZLib compression for saved DPlot files

All of these files are located in the folder where you initially installed DPlot Jr. These five unmodified files must be included in your distribution; DPlot Jr will not work correctly without them. Each of these files should be installed to the same folder on the end user's system. It is not necessary to install these files to your application's folder. Generally a subfolder below your application folder is best.

Your application's installation procedure should make one change to the end user's registry that tells DPLOTLIB.DLL (and possibly your own application) where to find DPlot Jr:


Data Type=REG_SZ

Value = path to DPlot Jr, including the filename

For example, the following is the section of the setup script for Inno Setup that modifies the end user's registry:


Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\DPLOTJR\shell\open\command"; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{app}\dplotjr.exe"; _

 Flags: uninsdeletekey

DPlot Jr will itself update the registry with its own location every time it runs. The above change ensures that your application and/or DPLOTLIB can find DPlot Jr before it ever runs on the end user's system. Note that the path should be surrounded by double quotation marks (handled automatically by Inno Setup). Otherwise if the path contains a space (as in c:\Program Files), your program's attempts to launch dplotjr.exe will likely fail.

When testing your setup program you should ensure that the correct path was written to the registry. Using regedit after running your setup program you should now have HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DPLOTJR\shell\open\command with the Name left at (Default), the Type set to REG_SZ, and the path to dplotjr.exe, surrounded by double quotation marks, under Data.

With the full version of DPlot

Detailed instructions are provided with a developer license and/or redistribution agreement. Contact HydeSoft Computing at for details.




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