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Moving the Toolbar

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You can move the toolbar from its default position at the top of the screen to any location on the screen to better fit your working style and the layout of the document you are working on.

If you move the toolbar anywhere within DPlot's application area, it becomes a floating toolbar.

To move and resize the toolbar

1.Position the mouse pointer in an empty area on the toolbar, and then drag the toolbar to the location you want.
2.Once you've moved the toolbar from the top of the screen, you can do any of the following:



Do this

Move a floating toolbar

Point to the title bar on the toolbar, and then drag the toolbar to a new position.

Resize a floating toolbar

Point to any edge of the toolbar. When the mouse pointer becomes a two-headed arrow, drag until the toolbar is the size you want.

Two-headed arrows

Return the toolbar to its original position

Drag the title bar to the top of the screen.


You can also create a floating toolbar by double-clicking an empty area on the toolbar, and you can return a floating toolbar to the top of the screen by double-clicking its title bar.



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