DPlot® Copyright © 2001-2018 by HydeSoft Computing, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This license applies to the evaluation version of DPlot. If you have purchased a license for the registered version of DPlot, see the section Copyright/License/Warranty.
License Agreement
Carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by HydeSoft Computing, Inc. your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty.
Evaluation and Registration
This is not free software. Subject to the terms below, you are hereby licensed to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period you must purchase a license. Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, and should be sent to HydeSoft Computing LLC, 110 Roseland Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39180. Credit card ordering and quantity discounts are available, as described in the section Ordering Information. When payment is received you will be sent a registration code which will unlock additional features and remove the startup registration notice.
Unregistered use of DPlot after the 30-day evaluation period is in violation of U.S. and international copyright laws.
Disclaimer of Warranty
This software and the accompanying files are offered "as is" and without warranties as to performance or merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which DPlot may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. Warranties of merchantability or of fitness for any purpose are specifically disclaimed.
Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of purchase price.
Customer Remedies:
HydeSoft Computing's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall not exceed the price paid for the licence to use the product or one United States Dollar, whichever is the greater.
You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of this software and documentation as you wish; give exact copies of the original software to anyone; and distribute the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above.
You are specifically prohibited from:
• | Distributing registration codes for this product or "keygen" software designed to circumvent the registration process. |
• | Publishing registration numbers and/or security keys on a publicly-accessible web site. Though the intent may be to distribute this information to legitimate site-license users only, this practice is strictly prohibited. |
• | Charging or requesting donations for any copies, however made. |
• | Distributing the software and/or documentation in whole or in part with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission. |
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