Macro commands may be used either in macros or by sending the commands to DPlot via dynamic data exchange (DDE). Some commands are valid only in macros (noted by Macros Only). Commands sent to DPlot via DDE must be enclosed by square brackets [ ]. Macro commands should not include the brackets.
Command parameters shown in the descriptions below are placeholders for the actual values. Command parameters are either numeric values, equations that evaluate to numbers, or character strings. Character string parameters are always bound by double quotation marks. Equations must be preceded by an equals sign (=).
The pipe symbol (|) in the command syntax indicates that a parameter is optional, and should not be included in your macro unless otherwise noted.
All indices into arrays are 1-based, e.g. Curve1=1 refers to the first curve in a plot.
A 0x prefix for numbers in the descriptions below indicates hexadecimal notation; e.g. 0x0010 = 16.
JR/Viewer indicates that the command is supported by DPlot Jr or DPlot Viewer.
JR/Viewer indicates that the command is NOT supported by DPlot Jr or DPlot Viewer.
[GeneralOptions(mask,flags)] |
Sets the options found under General Options. The mask value controls which corresponding bits in the flags value are used. If a bit in the mask value is 0, the corresponding bit in flags is ignored. If a bit in the mask value is 1, the specified option is turned on if the corresponding bit in flags is 1, or off if that bit is 0. Mask and flags bits are:
0x00000001 Prompt to save changed plots
0x00000002 Allow undo
0x00000004 Always start maximized
0x00000008 Always auto-adjust scale factors on 3D plots
0x00000010 Always force symbols on/lines off for triangle plots
0x00000020 Antialias symbols and lines on display output
0x00000040 Initially turn symbols off/lines on
0x00000080 Recalculate extents of XY plots after hiding/unhiding curves
0x00000100 Adjust extents after applying transform to values
0x00000200 Show coordinates in popup window when mouse hovers over a data point
0x00000400 X values consisting of times are always sequential
0x00000800 Automatically read preference file based on filename
0x00001000 Assume input dates are of the form d/m/y
0x00002000 Disable zooming on 2D views with the mouse wheel.
0x00004000 Click and drag to zoom.
For example, to turn off the "Always auto-adjust scale factors on 3D plots" setting, use [GeneralOptions(8,0)]. Mask and flags values may be expressed as hexidecimal or as integers. Multiple settings may be changed in one command; [GeneralOptions(0x00000030,0x00000020)] will turn on the "Antialias objects" setting and turn off the "Always force symbols on/lines off for triangle plots" setting.
See also
General Options menu command
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