Macro commands may be used either in macros or by sending the commands to DPlot via dynamic data exchange (DDE). Some commands are valid only in macros (noted by Macros Only). Commands sent to DPlot via DDE must be enclosed by square brackets [ ]. Macro commands should not include the brackets.
Command parameters shown in the descriptions below are placeholders for the actual values. Command parameters are either numeric values, equations that evaluate to numbers, or character strings. Character string parameters are always bound by double quotation marks. Equations must be preceded by an equals sign (=).
The pipe symbol (|) in the command syntax indicates that a parameter is optional, and should not be included in your macro unless otherwise noted.
All indices into arrays are 1-based, e.g. Curve1=1 refers to the first curve in a plot.
A 0x prefix for numbers in the descriptions below indicates hexadecimal notation; e.g. 0x0010 = 16.
JR/Viewer indicates that the command is supported by DPlot Jr or DPlot Viewer.
JR/Viewer indicates that the command is NOT supported by DPlot Jr or DPlot Viewer.
[EditEraseData(curve)] |
Similar to EditErase, but rather than deleting a curve it simply sets the number of points for the given curve to 0. This command also does not redraw the plot, delete the legend or other text labels associated with the given curve, force the plot extents to be recalculated, or close the document if this operation results in deleting all existing data. This command is primarily useful in realtime applications that plot, for example, the last X minutes of data. If curve is less than 0, this operation sets the number of points for all curves to 0.
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