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DPlot file keyword modifiers

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Data points generated with any of the DPlot keywords other than "data" or "eqn" may be modified using one of the methods specified below. Modifiers are applied to all curves in the file, and the modifier keyword must occur before the more general keyword identifier.


Inverse of the function; i.e. y = 1/y


Adds a constant to result; i.e. y = y + A. Constant A should be located immediately before the XStart and XStop values, and after the constants associated with "mult" if it is used.


A constant times the function to a power; i.e. y = B * y^C. Constants B and C should be located immediately before the XStart and XStop values.


the common logarithm of the function; i.e. y = log10(y)


the natural logarithm of the function; i.e. y = log(y)

These modifiers may be combined. The order of precedence for a file containing all modifiers is: y = 1/ ( B ( log(y)+A )^C )



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