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Crashes when tiling multiple plots are open

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:15 pm
by ssaliga
Within the last few revs of DPlot, I have had trouble with DPlot crashing when I try to open multiple plots and perhaps tile them to see them all together. I am running Windows XP Professional, have turned off all my security applications, etc. I wanted to go back and try an "older" version but don't have that ability. Any other thoughts?



Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:02 pm
by DPlotAdmin
The good news (depending on how you look at it) is that I'm getting the same problem here. Haven't solved it yet, but I think this likely has something to do with a recent change of not erasing the background of child documents when the window is resized (in this case tiled). Will fix as soon as possible.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 3:25 pm
by DPlotAdmin
I have one test case where the results are mostly repeatable (run a macro that opens all the DPlot files in my test folder and tile the documents (21 of them). Maximize any child document, then click the Restore button. Boom - at least 4 times out of 5.) That's the good news.

The problem has nothing to do with the fairly recent change with regards to erasing the background when a plot is redrawn (that's the bad news).

I don't want to put you on the spot and/or turn you into a guinea pig on this, and really this is as much about writing things down hoping something hops out at me as much as it is about asking you questions. But a couple of answers could help here:

1) How many documents are you working with?
2) What plot types? (If XY plots, for example, what scaling? If 3D data, are you viewing in 3D or not?, etc.)

I'm pretty sure I know the culprit and the answer but don't want to influence your answer.

Thanks for your input.

Crashes when tiling multiple plots are open

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:21 am
by ssaliga

Version still exhibits the problem.

I am working with Polar Plots, up to 12 of them at a time, but usually 4 or 6. Each polar graph shows 3 plots so there are a total of 360 data points with some simple text for the title and a three line legend on each graph.

The problem occurs virtually every time I try to open multiple files and happens 9 times out of ten when I have one open already and then start making more plots. Sometimes DPlot crashes in the middle of the plot making process or even when a file has just finished the "save" process.

I am running on a Thinkpad T60 mostly, but I also tried running on an HP xw9400 workstation and the problem followed me to that machine as well.


Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:15 am
by DPlotAdmin
Polar plots I had figured, as my test only crashed when a polar plot was present. But the beta version I sent you fixed it. So bah :x

Thanks for the details. Will let you know when I find something and fix it.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:37 pm
by DPlotAdmin
Problem fixed and new version uploaded. If you've been following this thread, the problem was with polar plots that included a legend. Mailing list mail is being sent as I type this. All licensed users can get the update (version with "Check for Updates" on the Help menu.