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Excel 2007 problem (apparently not DPlot-related)

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:16 pm
by DPlotAdmin
Lately I've been noticing Excel 2007 take an abnormally long time to load, coupled with (at first) a status bar message that read something like "Loading dplotlib.xla. Press <Esc> to abort". Pressing <Esc> had no effect, and generally Excel would grind and churn and never start up properly. Worse, even using Task Manager to shut Excel down would leave an orphan blank Excel window on the display with no apparent way to shut it down. Uh-oh, says I. But more recently I've also noticed the same message concerning solver.xla (the MS Excel simultaneous equation solver), whether the DPlot AddIn was enabled or not. The one constant I've seen in this behavior is that Excel doesn't start maximized - most likely because I resized it the last time I ran it before shutting it down. When starting maximized (so far) I've not had any problems.

This may still turn out to be a problem with the AddIn and I haven't let myself off the hook yet, but recent experience says this is a problem with Excel 2007 not related to the AddIn. If you've experienced similar problems, right-click on whatever desktop or Start menu icon you normally use to launch Excel, select "Properties", and select "Maximized" in the "Run" list. My data set is admittedly sparse, but I haven't seen the problem since making this change.

Any other input to this problem is of course welcome.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:10 pm
by Lurking
I'm using Excel 2007 (12.0.6661.5000) SP2 and Dplot 2.3.3 under Win7 with no issues.

Well, with out the issue mentioned here. I do have that pesky A axis issue in the bug report, but thats it.