Exporting data to Excel

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Exporting data to Excel

Post by jwolfson »


I am using Dplot to look at Strain Gage Data from some tests that I am doing. I use the plug-in option to import Win600 DAT files. Once I have imported three files I perform some calculations on them and end up with 2 new curves. The next thing that I need to do is to perform some data manipulation on those curves. I am looking for a way to export the XY data from those curves into excel so that I can work on it.

I have been told that past versions had a simple command that you can use in order to do this, however I can no longer find it. Can you please help me find a way to do this?


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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Edit>Copy>Data values, then Edit>Paste in Excel.

(But keep in mind that Excel has a limit of 65535 data rows, and it isn't unusual for a Win600 file to contain 10x that many points.)

I'm curious about what operations you need to do on the data that can be done in Excel but not in DPlot?
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Post by jwolfson »

I need to manually smooth my data by picking a few points at a time and then creating a new curve that can then be differentiated by a strain time history.

I am also trying to develop a spreadsheet that determines the strain rates. I again pick off specific points and have been writting down the x and y coordinates and then manually input it into excel so that I can create new spreadsheets. If I have all of the data I can write down just one value and then use Vlookup to find the other value.

When I did this using the DPlot edit data feature it took me over 3 hours to manually delete each data point. Using excell and Vlookup and then importing the graph back into Dplot it took me about 15 minutes. If you had a feature that could allow you to manually delete more than one point in a time using the Edit Data feature I might use it instead of Excel.

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Post by DPlotAdmin »

If you had a feature that could allow you to manually delete more than one point in a time using the Edit Data feature I might use it instead of Excel.
There's a long list of improvements that need to be made to the Edit Data feature; this is one of them. Unfortunately I cannot promise a release date.

You might find Edit>Delete Points in Box useful if the points you want to keep aren't too close together.
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