Change of ownership

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Change of ownership

Post by DPlotAdmin »

Please Note. From the author.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am no longer able to support DPlot. Because I do not want it to simply fade away, I have sold the company and DPlot to another company. This is a reputable engineering and science research firm with an international presence. I won't name them because I'm not sure they're quite ready, and I leave it up to them to announce their presence. I am absolutely certain that they will provide the support that everyone is used to. Please note that all current emails will soon go to... well, nobody.

Thank you for your support over the years. I have immensely enjoyed interacting with DPlot users from around the world. Farewell.
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Best wishes

Post by jsc »

Hate to see the change, but I understand. I think I retired about the same time as you did, so I only use the software occasionally. But I did leave behind some younger engineers who got hooked on DPlot, so I hope the new company can support them.
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