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Examples of DATA_1D (boxplot implementation)?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:29 pm
by GregoryG
Greetings: I'm trying to build a boxplot DATA_1D and DPlot (not my own program) crashes on me. I've looked through the programmers guide, example projects and forums and I've not found a boxplot example. Here is the snippet of the code I'm sending.


dMyPlot.DataFormat = DATA_1D
dMyPlot.ScaleCode = 1 ' Start with linear linear
dMyPlot.MaxCurves = intCountDataSets
dMyPlot.MaxPoints = intTotalDataCount
dMyPlot.NumCurves = intCountDataSets

For intI As Integer = 0 To intCountDataSets - 1
dMyPlot.NP(intI) = intDataCount(intI)
dMyPlot.LineType(intI) = LINESTYLE_NONE

intDocNum = DPlot_Plot8(dMyPlot, dX(0), dY(0), strPlotCommands)

bDplotPlotExists = True

Catch ex As Exception
bDplotPlotExists = False
End Try
End If

Here is the string of commands I'm sending with strPlotCommands

[TickMarks(1,80,40)][LogTicks(0)][ManualScale(0,1E-06,4,1)][Scale(2)][XAxisLabel("Analysis Results")][YAxisLabel("Dilution factor (the ratio of runoff to downstream stormflow), unitless")][TextFont(1,8,400,0,0,0,0,"Univers 57 Condensed")][TextFont(2,6,400,0,0,0,0,"Univers 57 Condensed")][TextFont(3,6,400,0,0,0,0,"Univers 57 Condensed")][TextFont(4,8,400,0,0,0,0,"Univers 57 Condensed")][TextFont(5,8,400,0,0,0,0,"Univers 57 Condensed")][TextFont(6,6,700,0,0,0,0,"Univers 57 Condensed")][TextFont(7,9,400,0,0,0,0,"Univers 57 Condensed")][LineWidth(0,6.9444)][LineWidth(-1,6.9444)][LineWidth(-2,6.9444)][TickMarks(1,80,40)][Legend(0,"Explanation")][Legend(1,"Highway Example Analysis (I-81)")][Legend(2,"Highway Example Analysis (I-81) Metric")][Legend(3,"Highway Example Analysis (I-81) Metric2")][LegendShow(1)][LegendParams(,,1,1,0.98,0.02,1,2,-1)][GridLines(2)][ShowCaption(0)][Size(0,6.5,6.5)][AppMinimize()]

Any help would be appreciated.