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Browse data files preview feature request

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:54 am
by Roberto
Hi David,

When opening a multiple column data file a dialog shows up with some previewed data and the question which columns to plot and which to use as x-axis.

It would be very convenient to have a tool in DPlot for browsing raw data files with 'instant' GRAPH preview: When in a dialog prior to browsing setting which columns to graph and which column is the x-axis, DPlot could in a next window show a folder browser along with a preview graph.

It would work like a charm browsing through sets of raw data from similar data sources (unless they are huge, that is but usually DPlot is very fast with opening files).

By the way, my file explorer previews grf file extension data as text ... since grf happens to be pure text data. Any chance DPlot would ever embed an image preview of the graph in the header of the grf file? Previews are handy!


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 7:05 pm
by DPlotAdmin
Thanks for your input.