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Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:48 pm
by jsc
I think I found a DPlot limit - it's not liking 11 curves with 5,320,130 points each!

And while investigating why a curve just seemed to "stop" 1/2 of the way through the time scale, when I did an "Edit Data" on one of the curves, I realized that the row labels in the edit box only were 6 digits long, so the rows were a little jumbled. ((not true - dragging the slider control was the problem - ctrl-end got to the bottom of the list and row labels were 7 digits.))

Guess I need to break up the data set...

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:41 pm
by DPlotAdmin
I'm not sure what is going on there but will look into it. Thanks for the report.

In the meantime, you win the award for most stubborn user - editing individual points in a collection of 5 million+!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:28 am
by jsc
Yes, I've been called stubborn before - half Italian and half German - I can be stubborn with a passion!

I was just trying to understand why a curve cut off in the middle of my plot - was my fault for using YCutoff in the macro!

And working with the large data sets, I had to pre-set the arrays to allow my macro to work - I start with 3 curves and create 7 more.

I'm still studying the data to see if I can decimate it without losing anything.

One thing that I may have forgotten, do I gain anything if I expand my memory from 4gb to 8gb on my Win7-64Pro laptop, or is DPlot limited internally by the way it is programmed?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:34 pm
by DPlotAdmin
DPlot will use the largest contiguous memory block you have, up to 2 Gb. That's after Windows and whatever other processes are running. (Windows itself takes a good chunk, which you can confirm with Task Manager.) So yeah, you should be able to plot more points by going from 4 to 8 Gb.