Often DPlot turns out not be closing properly here in Windows 10 32-bit.
This is in particular obvious when browsing through existing DPlot files: after one or two files having been opened by double-clicking (and each time closing DPlot by clicking the cross button in the top-right corner) then following attempts to open DPlot files Windows 10 complains: 'error with sending the task to the program' (translated from Dutch).
From this point starting DPlot manually doesn't work either: nothing happens, even no error message.
When Ctrl-Alt-Del for opening the task manager and manually closing the background process 'Dplot for Windows application file' everything is fine again until it happens again at a random instance.
However, at the moment it seems the above described issue is not happening when closing DPlot by properly using the Exit command in the File menu (or Alt + F4) - tested by quickly opening and closing files.
BUT testing by quickly opening and closing files when using the cross button for closing can also work flawlessly for quite a while.
It appears mostly happening when after opening a file by double-clicking and DPlot is kept open for a bit longer time before clicking the cross button to close.
It's as if the cross button for closing can be clicked on at unfortunate moments e.g. while Windows or DPlot is doing other things and temporary doesn't like a sudden closing down of the software
