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VB6 DPLOT_Command functions for real-time

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:01 pm
by mikeb
I am sending

Code: Select all

ret = DPlot_Command(DocNum, "[DeferMinMaxCheck(1)]")
to STOP updates during real-time, but I see min/max at bottom of page updating anyway. ret=1 after execution

I am sending

Code: Select all

ret = DPlot_Command(DocNum, "[ContourLevels(64,0,5)]")
to set shaded band intervals to 64 and upper/lower limit 0-5. ret=1 after execution. Command functions properly when executed AFTER data added via DPLOT_AddData, but not before. I want the live update chart to start/open with this setting BEFORE I start adding data.

I am using customized version for Evisive version

Any suggestions?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 7:25 pm
by DPlotAdmin
I'll play around with this but I don't think it will be possible with any version. That is, you'll need to send at least one data point with DPlot_AddData before the DeferMinMaxCheck.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:20 pm
by mikeb
Aha! I can work with that. Thanks for the support.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:39 pm
by mikeb
Tried setting DeferMinMaxCheck after writing some data points, but did not work.

Also, after I am finished updating plot, I send the following:

Code: Select all

ret = DPlot_Command(DocNum, "[DeferMinMaxCheck(0)][MenuUpdates(1)]")
ret = DPlot_Command(DocNum, "[GeneralOptions(32,1)]")
ret = DPlot_Command(DocNum, "[ManualScale(0,0,=$XMAX,5)]")
Occasionally it functions correctly, but most of the time I am getting incorrect values for $XMAX (really small). I set the Y-axis text to $XMAX and it reads 0.019999 (for example). Once I manipulate plot manually, say zoom in and then undo the zoom, $XMAX will update and show correctly. How can I force text placeholders to update before I set ManualScale above?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:10 pm
by DPlotAdmin
Bah. That's a bug. The only way you can get around this programmatically is to do something to make the known extents invalid, like adding another point. I'll fix this asap.

DocNum = DPlot_Command(0, "[FileNew()]")

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:01 pm
by mikeb
DocNum = DPlot_Command(0, "[FileNew()]")
has been performing flawlessly on several different computers running Windows 7 64-bit. On one computer I created a default.set file for the EvImage.exe (Evisive-branded DPLOT) and it seems to have broken this command.

If I open a .GRF file first, this command works. Even if I open a .grf and close it, leaving only a blank "Plot1", the command works properly.

DocNum is returning a 1 for the initial plot, and 2 for the second plot, etc. No numbers returned <1.

I uninstalled/reinstalled EVimage, but the problem persists. I did notice when reinstalling that I was not prompted for the registration code, so obviously this was not a complete clean reinstall.

Any troubleshooting suggestions?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:24 pm
by DPlotAdmin
and it seems to have broken this command.
What, if anything, happens?

I'll build an EVImage from the latest source and let you know when that's ready, just so we're sure we're talking about the same thing.

License info is stored in %appdata%\DPlot\dplot.ini, but that shouldn't cause any problems.

broken command

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:56 am
by mikeb
When the command works, a new plot window is opened - I can see it appear/enlarge sometimes when it is slow enough, and then my applications starts sending data to it.

When it doesn't work, the whole EvImage (DPLOT) application (main form) disappears for a split second before reappearing. I can see the computer's desktop wallpaper behind DPLOT when this occurs. Looks like SPLOT is being restarted.
I can open several blank plots first, but the command still fails. Unless I first open a .grf (either XY or Shaded Band plot).

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:43 pm
by DPlotAdmin
Nothing jumps out at me, and I'll build a new EVImage for you. If you can send me your VB source that might be helpful.

More information

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:33 am
by mikeb
Normally I initially set up contour options on a shaded band plot (XYZ) just the way I like and save the default.set preferences.

My application that sends data via the dll sends to a XY graph, then sets extents, and other parameters. I saved the default.set after the XY graph, which also saved the extents.

I don't remember now if when I uninstalled/reinstalled DPLOT if I deleted the default.set file.

Unfortunately I shipped all my equipment needed to test this. I'm pretty sure these actions will duplicate the issue when I get a chance to test again.
Thanks David.