FileNewEx, Conditional equations and CSV-import issues

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FileNewEx, Conditional equations and CSV-import issues

Post by aesculap »

Hello David,

there are some issues I recently discovered.

- I'm creating two XY-plots via dplotlib.dll using "FileNewEx". Topmost is the last plot created (plot2). But if I try to save that plot2 via "File|Save As..." - dialog, plot1 is saved and also displayed directly after closing that dialog. Workaround is to display the first dialog via "Windows" menu option or to open the "save as..." dialog twice (and save nothing the first time).

- "Conditional equations" are broken. I get an "Syntax error in function" - message. I assume it has something todo with the "decimal symbol" set (under "Options|general"), because I managed it to run in the "Options|Y=f(X,Y1,Y2...)" dialog only if the "decimal symbol" is set to full stop "." . The "Conditional equations" in the "Edit|operate on.." - functions unfortunately aren't revivable that way.

- And finally a general data import issue concerning CSV-files. It is not possible to import files separed via ";" with decimal symbol ",". I had to replace the ";" with a tab. It would be a good idea to add "data separator" and "decimal symbol" - options in the "Secify Columns to Plot" - dialog. That way you may seperate the decimal symbol dplot uses on plots, from the decimal symbol used in CSV files (which changes annoyingly often).

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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Thanks for the report.

I'll look into the FileNewEx problem and probably get back with you.

If I understand the second problem and you're trying to run those commands through dplotlib.dll, that likely won't change. It's a mess trying to decipher user preferences on decimal points and list separators. Life would of course be much simpler if the world could agree on a decimal point!

The third one definitely sounds like a bug. I'd appreciate it if you'd send me a file you're having trouble with.
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Conditional equations, ";"-separated CSV

Post by aesculap »


I have not tested the issue with "Conditional equations" via DDE/dplotlib.

Here is a snipplet of a problematic CSV-file. DPlots decimal symbol is set to ",".

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Post by aesculap »

Hello David,

regarding the "Save As..." issue I recently discovered that the active-plot switching also happens when two or more dplot files are opened with the windows explorer.
Topmost is the last plot opened.
When no changes are made to the plot, the "Save As..." dialog saves plot number 1. If eg. the "Line/Symol Styles" dialog was opened, the problem no longer occurs.
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Thanks for the info!
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FileNewEx / File Save As issue - any solution?

Post by mikeb »

Hi David,
I am experiencing the identical issue with FileNewEx and file Save As. I am also generating XY plots via dplotlib.dll.

Any solution or workaround?

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