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CSV: rows and colmns switched

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:26 am
by Roberto

Recently I ran into a really uncommon CSV format which DPlot is unable to deal with: a text or csv file having rows and columns inverted:
Data values seperated by commas instead of new line while new line is used for a next dataset.

Was able to open a smaller dataset in a spreadsheet, copy relevant row, paste in a new page, transpose the single row to a column, save and open in DPlot.
However, larger datasets I wasn't able to open in the spreadsheet (wordcount overflow).
Tried some text editors (e.g. Crimson Editor) but still in the process how to replace a comma by a carriage return or new line (/n). So far no luck with entering a new line "character". Online I saw a solution to alt-enter in a cel in Excel and copy the square showing; then copy the square and paste in text editor replacement input field. Don't have Excel and it doesn't work in LibreOffice (not showing a character). Have to try some more editors; have Fookes Notetab (not installed for a while) which might do the trick (v7 seems to but I have v6) but I read at least UltraEdit would be able to do it.
-UPDATE: NoteTab 6 indeed can replace commas by carriage return/new line (^P worked). Even in the large dataset file.

Anyway, to make DPlot more powerful, perhaps a transpose option in the Open D (Column CSV/txt) dialog would be a nice addition.