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Open new DPlot window from Excel Add-in

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:47 pm
by Schwer
Hello David --

By default when using the Excel add-in for DPlot the selected data is added to the current DPLot window.

Is there a way to send the Excel data to a new plot window?
That is I do not want the data added to the existing DPlot window.

I know I can open a new DPlot window before the Excel operation.

Thanks for such a great engineering tool, --len

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:55 pm
by jsc
In Excel in the plug-in menu for DPlot, under Options, there is an option to append data to an active plot or to create a new plot. Checked, it appends. Un-checked, it creates a new plot. I think that's what you are after.