XYYY plot problems with number of points

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XYYY plot problems with number of points

Post by thorthebrave »

I have 151 y points, Line[0] has 51, Line[1] has 50 and Line[2] has 50

dp.NP[0] = 51;
dp.NP[1] = 50;
dp.NP[2] = 50;

but the 51 makes the plot flash. If I change 51 to 50, such that they are all 50

dp.NP[0] = 50;
dp.NP[1] = 50;
dp.NP[2] = 50;

then it plots, but that means that the 51 point that should have been in Line[0], is now the first point of Line[1], and etc.

Here is the rest of the code

public void XYThisplot(double[] x,double[] y)

int DocNum;
int NP;
string cmds;
NP = y.Length;

dplot.DPLOT dp = new dplot.DPLOT();
dp.Version = dplot.DPLOT_DDE_VERSION;
dp.DataFormat = dplot.DATA_XYYY;
dp.MaxCurves = 3; // Must be >= number of curves we plot
dp.MaxPoints = NP; // Anything >= NP will do
dp.NumCurves = 3;
dp.ScaleCode = dplot.SCALE_LINEARX_LINEARY;
dp.LegendX = 0.05F;
dp.LegendY = 0.05F;
dp.NP[0] = 51;
dp.NP[1] = 50;
dp.NP[2] = 50;
dp.LineType[0] = dplot.LINESTYLE_SOLID;
dp.LineType[1] = dplot.LINESTYLE_DOTTED;
dp.LineType[2] = dplot.LINESTYLE_LONGDASH;
dp.Title1 = "Pressure (psi) along the well (ft)";
dp.XAxis = "Along the wellbore (ft)";
dp.YAxis = "Pressure (psi)";

cmds = "[AutoScale()]" +
"[Caption(\"Pressure vs. Distance\")]" +
"[Legend(1,\"Blank Pipe\")][Legend(2,\"Annulus\")][Legend(3,\"Sandface\")]" +
DocNum = dplot.DPlot_Plot8(ref dp, ref x[0], ref y[0], cmds);

Any idea what is might be
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

You'll need to use

dp.DataFormat = dplot.DATA_XYXY;

and duplicate your X array twice (minus that 51st value).
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thank you

Post by thorthebrave »

That solved it, thank you so much.
Do you have any documentation for sending data through dlib,
I'd like some information on what all the different commands are, and all the different dp. properties and so on. I Have gone through you download manual, but it is not very extensive on the dlib part.
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Look in the \docs folder below dplotlib.dll.
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