Extract interpolation values from a DPlot graph with Excel

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Extract interpolation values from a DPlot graph with Excel

Post by PatrickTotor »

Hello guys,

I bought this software some time ago already and I would like to truly get started with it. I used it mostly with digitizelt to transform old data curves to interpolable curves.

But now I would like to really earn a lot of time, and I don't want to do the interpolations by myself anymore:

I have an excel file with my graphs path on my computer, and thanks to an input section, I know on which one I need to go. In these graphs, I have 4 curves, and I would need to get the Y result of the interpolation of these curves for a X value given in input.

I feel like it should be the absolute basis that can be done but I don't know how. I started browsing the Excel forum section but as I don't know how to search for it, I don't find an answer. I think I may need to use VBA commands but I am not sure.

Does someone know how to do this or is there a post where a related question was asked ?

Thank you,

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Post by DPlotAdmin »

I'm a little confused about what you want to do. It sounds like you are exporting your data from Excel to DPlot and then using Info>Interpolate (or the InfoInterpolate macro command) to find Y on each curve for a given X. Correct so far? If so, you want to automatically export the results back to Excel? If so, there is no way to do that that is easier than using the Copy button on the Interpolate results window. On the DPlot side you could write a macro to automatically copy the results, but NOT to automatically paste that content into Excel (which it sounds like what you want to do). On the Excel side this is hopeless. I suppose you could write a VBA routine to do everything mentioned up to the point that the answers were copied to the Clipboard. But after that you'd want to parse the results to get the actual values, not just a block of text. To me that sounds like a lot more trouble than simply pasting the results into Excel then manually stripping off the unwanted text parts.
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