Disappearing Data Labels

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Disappearing Data Labels

Post by azeigle »

I have a simple 2D scatter plot. If I add a data label a point, move the label and then modify it in any way, it disappears. If I modify it without moving it, it doesn't disappear. But then any modifications made after moving it again make it disappear again.

For example.
1. Create a new file, then copy and paste the data below in.
16:29:58 1.02
2. Add a marker style to the curve.
3. Right click on the data point and "Add $X,$Y Label".
4. Move the label to a new position
5. Double click on the label and modify it (e.g. change the text, remove the frame)
After clicking OK, the label disappears. Sometimes if I know where it's supposed to be I can drag it and it will reappear. But further changes make it disappear again.

I'm using DPlot Version
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Good catch. At first glance it appears the Point Labels dialog is not interpreting time values for the label location correctly. And in playing with this just a bit, it appears to only be fouling up if the X axis number format is "Time of day (fractional days)". It works fine with "Time of day (hours)"
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Post by azeigle »

I assumed it was something specific to those settings because I had never seen the issue before. Now that I know about it I can work around it easily enough.
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