One line data file

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One line data file

Post by Bercic »

Dear David, please could you help me with the following problem.
I am trying to drug and drop one line data file into DPlot, but DPlot did not accept it. If I add another data line into the data file, it works ok. However, if just notation line is added as the first line in the data file, the problem persists.
The Example files contain the following lines:
Doesn't accept
1, 34, 23, 456, 55

Accepts as expected
1, 34, 23, 456, 55
2, 34, 23, 456, 55

Doesn't accept
X, Y, A, D, F, G
1, 34, 23, 456, 55

Best regards, Gorazd
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

I'll look into this. Off the top of my head my guess is it doesn't accept your first file because it is looking for a pattern of data columns, which you can't get with only one line.

Interestingly. Copy/Paste DOES work with your one line.
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Post by Bercic »

Yes it works if data are copied to the clip boar and then passed to DPlot, but when a file with the same data is pulled into DPlot, Dplot refuse to accept them.
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Yes, I get that. As mentioned it is because with a file DPlot is looking for a pattern of data columns (as opposed to header lines). This may be fixable without breaking something else - I'll look into it.
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