FileSaveAs command

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FileSaveAs command

Post by cbkotura »

In the manual the syntax for the FileSaveAs command is [FileSaveAs(1,"c:\mydata\|TITLE1|.grf")], but is it possible to input a variable using VB6? If I put [FileSaveAs(1, "dirMain.Path & "\test.grf"")] it will not compile. However if the variable is not at the beginning of the file name such as [FileSaveAs(1, ""C:\test" & I & ".grf"")] it can compile. Is it possible for the file name to begin with a variable or for the entire file name to be a variable? If so please help with the syntax. Thanks
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

This should work:

"[FileSaveAs(1,""" & dirMain.Path & "\test.grf"")]"

As should this:

Dim fname as String
fname = dirMain.Path & "\test.grf"
"FileSaveAs(1,""" & fname & """)]"
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Post by cbkotura »

Thank you very much, that worked!!!
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