format data

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format data

Post by axel »

hi, my excel work with decimal numbers with (,) but dplot data work with (.). How i change the format number in the dplot soft?
Thanks for your andswer, and sorry for my bad english.
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Replied to privately before noticing this post. For anybody else interested...

There is no need to apologize for your English - it is certainly much better than my Spanish!

I'm not sure from your message whether you are having trouble with numbers on input or if you want to change the way numbers are displayed on DPlot graphs.

If the latter, DPlot should be using the decimal symbol set with the Windows Control Panel. On some versions of Windows this is called "International Settings", on others "Regional and Language Options". However, DPlot expects all input numbers in dialog boxes and when reading files, etc. to use a '.' for the decimal symbol.

If you want to plot numbers that you have in an Excel spreadsheet, you should use the DPlot Add-In functions instead of Copy/Paste. Copy/Paste will copy the numbers as ASCII text, so the ',' decimal symbol shown in Excel will be used and DPlot won't understand it. If you use the Add-In functions, though, numbers are passed to DPlot in their native binary format, independent of regional settings.

If I haven't answered your question please let me know exactly what you are trying to do.
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Post by DPlotAdmin »

Last night's update should solve the problem you were having with linking data from Excel when a , is used as the decimal symbol. If you are on the mailing list you should have received a download link; otherwise use Help>Check for Updates.
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