question about Dplot

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question about Dplot

Post by Jond »


Just downloaded your evaluation version. Looking to purchase the program ASAP. I have to generate curves for our miniature air pump line.

I need to learn the basics. How do I generate a XY 2D graph. With X being 1 to 10, no decimal points, and Y being 1 to 10 no decimal points????

I will need it in intervals of 1 or 2, or whatever, with and without decimal points. I am missing something while trying to design a graph.

I am playing with the software but not getting very far.


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Post by DPlotAdmin »

I'm not sure from your post what you're trying to do. If by "generate" you mean that you have an equation Y=f(X) and want to create data points from that equation, use Generate>Y=f(X) and enter your equation there. If instead you already have the data - in a file or in another program or whatever - and you just want to somehow move it to DPlot, give me a bit more information.

"No decimal points" is also too ambiguous. Do you want the actual data values to be integers? Or do you simply want the displayed values to be rounded off to the nearest integer? If the latter, use Options>Number Formats and with "X" and then "Y" selected, check the "Specify decimal places" box and leave the numeric display at 0. If instead you want your data values truncated to integers... there's no way to do that currently. I can add an "int()" function to the equation parser to do this; if that's what you're after just let me know.
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Post by jgmiles »

If instead you want your data values truncated to integers... there's no way to do that currently.
In a related vein, I too would like to be able to display the actual data point values with a specified number of decimal places (I wouldn't limit it to integers, since much of my data is relevant only in the decimal ranges). I know you've added that in dealing with the X & Y axis grid line labels, but would it be possible to add it to the data plotted as well. At least I think this is a current limitation of DPlot.

When my calculated data is to several decimal places, bar plot graph amplitude labels (for example) simply overwrite each other. Similarly, it would be nice to display the required significant decimal digits only, regardless of the # of digits in the source data for the graph, for consistency sake & a more "professional" looking graph.

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Post by DPlotAdmin »

The number format setting for the Y axis is used for bar amplitude labels. For point labels, the X axis number format setting is used for $X, Y axis number format setting is used for $Y.
Similarly, it would be nice to display the required significant decimal digits only, regardless of the # of digits in the source data for the graph, for consistency sake & a more "professional" looking graph.
That will require another setting, will look into adding that next time.
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